5IMDC call for abstracts re-opened! Conference registration open! Travel award application posted! Call for Presentation and Poster Abstracts Re-opened! Due to a small number of abstracts received in certain highlighted sessions (see below), we are re-opening abstract submission. Abstract submission is re-opened for two weeks only and will not be extended again. The strict deadline for additional abstract submission is Friday, 22 October 2010. Abstracts will not be accepted after this date. Highlighted Sessions Include the Following: 1. Assessing the dangers and removal of sea-dumped munitions and other hazardous debris 2. Stories of success: Place-based partnerships to prevent land-based sources of marine debris 3. Stories of success: Place-based partnerships to assess and remove marine debris 4. Talking trash: Successes and challenges associated with policies to prevent plastic marine pollution 5. Derelict fishing gear: Addressing t...