Recent intensification of tropical climate variability in the Indian Ocean Nature Geoscience Published online: 16 November 2008 doi:10.1038/ngeo357 Nerilie J. Abram 1 , 2 , Michael K. Gagan 1 , Julia E. Cole 3 , Wahyoe S. Hantoro 4 & Manfred Mudelsee 5 The interplay of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Asian monsoon and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) 1, 2, 3 drives climatic extremes in and around the Indian Ocean. Historical 4, 5 and proxy 6, 7, 8, 9 records reveal changes in the behaviour of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the Asian monsoon over recent decades 10, 11, 12 . However, reliable instrumental records of the IOD cover only the past 50 years 1, 3 , and there is no consensus on long-term variability of the IOD or its possible response to greenhouse gas forcing 13 . Here we use a suite of coral oxygen-isotope records to reconstruct a basin-wide index of IOD behaviour since AD 1846. Our record reveals an increase in the frequency and strength of IOD events during the tw...