Is Indian Ocean Dipole 2007 starting?

MODIS Aqua Satellite Chlorophyll a Images for 1-3 Sep 2007 (Source: Ocean Color Web, NASA).

High surface chlorophyll a starting to observed at the Southwestern Sumatra. It could be an indicator for the begining of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) that will cause weather changes in the Indian Ocean region. JAMSTEC has predicted the occurence of the weak IOD 2007 event since few months ago.

SeaWiFS Chlorophyll a images on 29 Aug - 5 Sep 2006 (Source: Ocean Color Web, NASA).

This satellite image has taken during the Indian Ocean Dipole in 2006. Large phytoplankton bloom occured at the Southern Java until Southwestern Sumatra. The IOD 2006 has caused tremendous natural disaster to the Indian Ocean region. In southeast Asia, drought, forest fire, haze, ecosystem destruction, health and economic lost etc. In eastern Africa, causing the worst flooding event and disease outbreak.


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