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Sulu Images! 7 Nov 2007
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MODIS Aqua satellite images of Sulu Sea. This is the beginning of daily satellite monitoring for this area. Latest news show they already start dumping one tonne of urea into Sulu Sea and going to dump more later.
We need to act fast before they turn the Sulu Sea into a public toilet!
Kenya Meteorological Department REVIEW OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE “LONG RAINS” (MARCH-MAY) 2008 SEASON AND OUTLOOK FOR JUNE - AUGUST 2008 1. HIGHLIGHTS - La- Niña conditions (cool sea surface temperatures) that prevailed during the Long Rains (March – May 2008) rainfall season started to show signs of decaying. - The West Indian Ocean Sea surface Temperatures Anomalies are now neutral with pockets of negative anomalies over Eastern Indian Ocean. - The outlook for June to August 2008 indicates that the Coastal Strip of Kenya is likely to experience near normal rainfall with a tendency towards above normal (i.e. enhanced rainfall.) while Western, Nyanza Provinces and some parts Rift Valley are likely to experience near normal rainfall with a tendency towards below normal (i.e. depressed rainfall). The rest of the country is expected to be generally dry. Temperatures over most parts of the country are expected to be normal to slightly cooler that average. The day-to- day variations in tem...
INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Long range forecast update for the 2008 Southwest monsoon rainfall 1. Background India Meteorological Department (IMD) has been following a two-stage forecast strategy for the southwest monsoon rainfall over the country as a whole, in which the first forecast is issued in April and the forecast update is issued by end of June. Based on a 5-parameter ensemble statistical model, IMD issued the following forecast for the 2008 southwest monsoon rainfall over the country as a whole. IMD’s long range forecast for the 2008 south-west monsoon season (June to September) is that the rainfall for the country as a whole is likely to be Near Normal. Quantitatively, monsoon season rainfall is likely to be 99% of the long period average with a model error of ± 5%. The Long period average rainfall over the country as a whole for the period 1941-1990 is 89 cm. 2. Second Stage Forecasts IMD has now prepared the following forecasts, which are being released now: a) Fore...