MODIS Satellite Images available for FTP now from Tokyo University

Vietnam MODIS Satellite Images from Yasuoka and Takeuchi Lab, The University of Tokyo

Prof Takeuchi from Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo has provided the Daily Level 2 MODIS satellite on the following FTP site

Naming rule is as follows:
MXD: MOD->Terra, MYD->Aqua
YYYY: year
MM: month
DD: day
hh: hour in UTC
mm: minute
VAR: variables (chlor_a, sst, nLW_551 and K_490)
GEO: geographical location
All data are packed in 16bit signed inter (INT16) in little endian.

Following scaling factor (a) is used to get original value (y) from pixel value (x) on each parameter respevtively.
y = a * x
Chloroplyll-a: 0.0001
SST: 0.005 (Celcius degrees)
normalized water leaving radiance at 551nm: 0.001
diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490nm: 0.0002

If you are using Seadas or ENVI to display the Vietnam MODIS image, it will be input as flat file. Some detail information is needed to read the file. Following are the example for Seadas:
1. Open Seadas, click on Display button.
2. A dialog box will be pop out, and you need to provide some information about the image.

Flat File Filename: "Select the appropriate file name"
Skip Bytes : 0
Number of Points : 1200
Number of lines : 1080
Data Type : Interger (short)

Top left corner : 17 N 103 E
Bottom right corner : 7 N 112 E

Slope : (0.0001 for chlorophyll-a/ 0.005 for SST/ 0.001 for nLw 551/ 0.0002 for K490)Intercept: 0
Scale Type : Linear


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