Post Doctoral Researcher Position in Ocean Color Remote Sensing

Post Doctoral Researcher Position in Ocean Color Remote Sensing

The ocean color research group within the Earth Observation and Environmental Remote Sensing Lab at Masdar institute is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of coastal ocean color research and applications in turbid atmosphere. We are seeking an outstanding scientist to develop improved ocean color products from the current and future ocean color satellite sensors including SeaWiFS, MODIS, VIIRS and MERIS. The successful candidate will be based at Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi (UAE).
The individual in this position will work on satellite data from various ocean color satellite sensors and field measurements from ocean and atmosphere to develop, validate, and evaluate algorithms for the remote retrieval of the ocean color and atmospheric products. Strong programming skills are required and demonstrated ability to develop and improve algorithms for ocean color and aerosol products.
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology ( is the world's first graduate-level university dedicated to providing real-world solutions to issues of sustainability. The Institute's goal is to become a world-class research-driven graduate-level university, focusing on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. The Institute, which was created in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), integrates theory and practice to incubate a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, working to develop the critical thinkers and leaders of tomorrow. Masdar Institute is situated in Masdar City (, an emerging global clean-technology cluster that aims to be one of the world's most sustainable urban developments, powered by renewable energy and providing students and researchers with a unique opportunity to live and learn in a true "living laboratory" environment.
Position Requirements
- PhD in remote sensing, oceanography or a related discipline preferably with some postdoctoral experience.
- Experience in analyzing data from various satellite sensors, e.g., SeaWiFS, MERIS, MODIS, etc. -  Experience in advanced processing regional ocean color data using SeaDAS, ENVI-IDL, Matlab and/or other data processing software packages.
- Experience in evaluating and recalibrating ocean color algorithms using in situ measurements.
- Experience in evaluating aerosol retrievals and developing aerosol retrieval algorithm.
- Appropriate skills in batch processing large data sets and satellite database management.
- Hands-on experience in using ESRI software ArcGIS Desktop and ability to integrate imagery with other GIS data.
- Demonstrated ability to publish research findings in peer reviewed journals.
- Excellent communication skills in English scientific writing/publishing and presentation.

The compensation package for this position is very competitive with a tax-exempt net salary ranging between US$ 70k and US$ 90k. Additional benefits include: annual two-way airfare to home country, one-time moving allowance, free comprehensive international medical coverage, professional memberships, conference attendance expenses and other components.
The application package should include:
- A cover letter summarizing experience and motivation for this position.
-   Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications.
- Sample of relevant published research papers.
- A list of 3 potential referees.

Applications should be submitted by email to
Dr. Hosni Ghedira ( Review of applications will begin on February 15 2012 and continue until the position is filled. The expected starting date is March 15, 2012.
While we thank all applicants for their interest, only those under consideration will be contacted for a follow-up interview.


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