Postdoctoral Research Opportunity ­ Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing to Marine Ecosystem Based Management

Postdoctoral Research Opportunity – Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing to Marine Ecosystem Based Management

A postdoctoral research opportunity sponsored by the National Research Council is available at the NOAA/NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Narragansett, RI.  
Our primary objective is to understand the long-term changes in primary productivity and how it relates to fisheries production and ecosystem based management in the northeast US, continental shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NESLME). The NESLME is a dynamic, highly productive, and intensively studied ecosystem supporting a constellation of ecosystem goods and services. This work is being conducted using time series of in situ, modeled, and satellite derived biological and physical data.  These analyses will help provide a more holistic perspective in the development of an ecosystem approach to management for the NESLME. <>


Opportunities for the candidates are available for developing algorithms, techniques, and indices to monitor the phytoplankton community, and to investigate how changes in the climate and physical forcings affect primary production. The perspective applicant should have a strong background in oceanography, phytoplankton ecology, ecological modeling and/or ocean color remote sensing.


To apply and for more information about the NRC Research Associateship Programs visit, <>

The deadline for the spring review is May 1, 2012.


Questions about this specific opportunity should be directed to:

Kimberly Hyde, Ph.D. <> <>


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