Summer Satellite Remote Sensing Training Course - Cornell University, Ithaca New York

Summer Satellite Remote Sensing Training Course
May 31 - June 14, 2013, Cornell University, Ithaca New York
A two-week summer satellite training course is being offered once again to marine scientists who have modest or no prior experience with satellite remote sensing techniques. The course is highly methods-oriented and intended to give participants the practical skills needed to work independently to acquire, analyze and visualize large data sets derived from a wide variety of ocean satellite sensors. Strong emphasis is given to ocean color remote sensing and the use of NASA's SeaDAS software (both version 6 and 7-beta) to derive mapped imagery of geophysical parameters (e.g., chlorophyll or CDOM) from raw SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS and VIIRS data.  The course also covers image analysis methods to work with satellite imagery of sea surface temperature, ocean wind speed and sea surface height.  Developing good IDL programming skills for data analysis and visualization is a central component of the course. A new topic being added this year is a basic introduction to Python programming and running SeaDAS with relatively simple Python scripts to batch process ocean color data from Level-1 to Level-3.

For more information (including course syllabus and application instructions):
Email:  Bruce Monger (


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