Fwd: [ocean-color] Postdoctoral Scholar in Optical Remote Sensing and Applications at USF

Postdoctoral Scholar in Optical Remote Sensing and Applications

The Optical Oceanography Lab (http://optics.marine.usf.edu) of the College of Marine Science at the University of South Florida (USF) is offering a 2-year Postdoctoral Scholar position in the field of optical remote sensing and applications. We are seeking an outstanding scientist with a recent doctorate in ocean optics or remote sensing, or a closely related field to work on Federal funded projects.
The successful candidate should demonstrate excellence in radiative transfer modeling, atmospheric correction (multi-band and hyperspectral) of satellite and airborne measurements (e.g., MODIS, MERIS,         AVIRIS), algorithm development, and scholarly productivity. Strong programming skills in common languages such as FORTRAN, C/C++, IDL, or MatLAB are required. The successful candidate is expected to work heavily on hyperspectral data         collected from both satellite and airborne platforms over both land and ocean in order to retrieve georeferenced and atmospherically corrected data products (e.g., surface         reflectance, gaseous absorption, etc.). The successful candidate is also expected to work with other team members to apply these products in addressing inter-disciplinary Earth Science questions.

The position is available immediately, and the 2-year appointment can be extended, contingent upon satisfactory performance and funding availability. Annual salary is US$50,000 (or commensurable with experience) with standard fringe benefits.

The College of Marine Science at USF is a rapidly expanding group spanning all of the major marine science disciplines. We encourage interested applicants to review our research programs by visiting our web site at: http://www.marine.usf.edu. For         information regarding the available position, please contact Prof. Chuanmin Hu at 1-727-553-3987 or huc@usf.edu.
Apply online at https://gems.fastmail.usf.


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